Muscular Therapy: Beverley Ikier is now booking In-Person Private Sessions. Contact Ikier to schedule an appointment.
At the Ikier Wellness Center, we offer advanced muscular therapy for pain and stiffness. With an integrative approach using a variety of hands-on therapies, we can correct your posture and improve your gait. For stress reduction, we offer: myofascial release, pre-and-post-natal and shiatsu therapies. We also practice a centuries old technique called body tapping. Body tapping will promote organ health, provide instant energy, improve the immune system and increase circulation. Using these varied techniques and therapies, we can set you on the path to a pain and stress-free life.
Massage for:
- Pain of tight muscles
- Stress reduction
- Restriction from old injuries
- Improvement of circulation
- Improvement of breathing
- Long term goal of reducing pain medication
- Posture and spinal alignment
- Treatment of chronic injury and pain
- Scar tissue
Special services:
Pain is subjective; everyone has a different pain threshold. Ikier identifies and considers every client’s pain level. Each treatment plan is designed to meet the individual client’s needs. The treatment plan is discussed with client’s short-term and long-term goals in mind, then collaboratively established. Suggestions for home care are demonstrated and written out at the end of each session.
In modern times, busy people need “stress busters” (stretching, ergonomic checks, breathing, etc.) that can be incorporated into their day. When finding “extra time” is impossible during the day, Ikier recommends a “stress reduction tip” that fits into your day. These stimulate “the relaxation response,” and subsequently, the whole body calms.
It has become clear that Massage and Touch Therapy are rapidly moving to the forefront of health care, both nationally and internationally. Published studies support the positive effects of touch on the nervous, hormonal and immune systems for the relief of pain, muscular tension and stress. In addition, her treatment plans include techniques taken from Alexander Feldenkrais, Technique and Imagery for Healing.
Ikier uses her certification and training with the Arthritis Foundation to modify exercises to be joint-friendly. Her experience working with arthritis and osteoporosis, combined with her nursing background, allow her to create a unique and comprehensive treatment program for a variety of conditions.