Beverley Ikier, of the Ikier Center in Burlington MA is excellent– she also does manual/massage therapy, and gives really useful exercises you can do on your own, with props you’d have around the house.
Beverley is one of the best explainers I’ve ever met, and helps you visualize what’s going on inside the injured area & how not to re-injure it. She started as an R.N. and added years of training in therapeutic massage and related disciplines. She is a total professional, and very positive and encouraging to keep you on track with the healing exercises she devises.
She also worked on my Mom who had severe osteoporosis but made it to 93 in good health thanks to the exercises Beverley devised (which are MILES ahead of the PT I’ve seen from other providers).
I see her weekly now, and I’ve met BSO Musicians and men and women of all ages coming in for their appointments after mine.
I think she gets amazing results for people she sees.